Taxation in Brazil is one of the main factors that account for the success or failure of a business and, therefore, should be one of the main focuses of attention of the business sector

Complex and dynamic, our tax system challenges all economic segments and all levels of business, people and companies.

The solution to a problem in the fiscal area requires big-picture thinking and, in the current economic context, this should not come separate from the efficiency and rationalization of resources.

Our Tax team is structured to strike the right balance between expertise and holistic vision, between pragmatism and creativity. We have professionals of different profiles, extremely qualified and capable of delivering complete solutions, whether in the daily life of companies or in the planning of highly complex transactions.

Our services include:

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    Legal opinions

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    Services to prevente contingencies

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    Tax planning and advising on transactions such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate restructurings and cross-border investments, as well as corporate contracts

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    Due diligence

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    Negotiating and obtaining special regimes

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    Consultation processes on the understanding of tax legislation

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    Definition of compensation structures for employees and executives

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    Wealth planning and succession of individuals

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    Advisory services on the tax impacts of financial transactions, especially derivatives

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    Monitoring and advising on tax inspection procedures

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    Routine tax advice on direct and indirect taxes, and customs and international taxation

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    Administrative litigation, in the defense of infraction notices and requests for restitution and compensation of taxes

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    Legal litigation, in active and reactive tax lawsuits and performance in leading cases before Superior Courts

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    Tax transactions