Our team recognizes that environmental, social and governance issues have come to be considered essential in risk analysis and investment decisions, a factor that imposes strong pressure on the business sector and suggests strategic changes in its management.

Thus, Madrona Fialho Advogados’ ESG practice is collaborative, with a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified partners and associates.

We are committed to assisting the various institutions in incorporating good environmental, social and governance practices into their business, providing specialized legal guidance and customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each client.

Our services include:

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    Corporate due diligence considering all ESG aspects

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    ESG risk mapping and classification, following national and international standards

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    Project structuring with ESG features

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    Customized training for executives, employees and third parties, in line with the company’s materiality matrix

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    Presentations to the board of directors and C-level executives on strategic governance and sustainability topics

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    Assistance to legal entities, including publicly held companies and financial institutions, for the purposes of compliance with ESG regulation issued by applicable regulatory entities, such as the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen)

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    Evaluation and updating of compliance programs, including codes, policies, procedures and disclosures

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    Assistance in obtaining or adhering to ESG certifications or indexes, such as the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3)

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    Structuring of ESG financial transactions, including green bonds, and ESG investment funds

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    C-level training regarding harassment and discrimination prevention in the workplace

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    Policy training and booklets involving good social practices and access to information on labor rights

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    Drawing up compensation policies linked to ESG indexes on talent retention, and affirmative and diversity policies

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    Support in the preparation of selection processes and hiring based on diversity and inclusion