Practice areas

Our Environmental Law area offers advice on clients' highly complex issues or everyday matters, including the representation of their interests in administrative or judicial proceedings with environmental matters involved.

We have experienced professionals who stand out for their attention to the clients’ interests, building dynamics that go beyond the provision of services and become partnerships.

We have knowledge and practical experience in matters involving environmental licensing, telecommunications, solid waste, protected areas, contaminated areas, carbon credit, biodiversity and access to genetic heritage, among other topics of environmental law.

Our services include:

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    Legal advice on conducting environmental licensing processes, from structuring the project to obtaining the environmental licenses necessary for implementation and operation

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    Environmental liability risk analysis

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    Negotiation and signing of Conduct Adjustment Terms (TAC- similar to consent decrees), Terms of Commitment or other agreements with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and environmental authorities

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    Environmental due diligence

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    Structuring carbon credit projects and advice on implementation

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    Strategic conduct of administrative proceedings and civil investigations

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    Representation in legal proceedings, together with the litigation team, combining the expertise of each area for specialized work

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    Legal advice related to the Biodiversity Law (Federal Law 13.123, of 5/20/15, including registration of access and notification of finished product in the National System of Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge (Sisge)

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    Trainings and workshops