Practice areas
Competition law

In Brazil, free competition is one of the fundamental principles of the economic order. Planning and full knowledge of competition law and its effects on business activities are crucial to navigate today's corporate world.

Madrona Fialho Advogados’ competition law team has extensive and recognized experience in the most diverse areas of competition law and is highly prepared to help our clients to carry out their business, resolve disputes and overcome challenges, guiding them to a fairer competitiveness in a global market.

Our services include:

  • Icone

    Filing mergers for the Brazilian Antitrust Authority – CADE’s review, advising clients about the best strategy for the preparation of such filings and in the structuring of corporate transactions. Our antitrust team acts in an integrated manner with the Corporate team, aiming to mitigate any competitive risks and observe transaction schedules in order to better take advantage of the efficiency of using the same structure. The competition team also has special expertise in coordinating multi-jurisdictional merger acts involving, above all, notifications to antitrust authorities in other Latin American countries;

  • Icone

    Advisory services to clients in investigations related to coordinated conduct, especially cartels, acting in the defense of the interests of Representatives before CADE and in the negotiation of leniency agreements and terms of commitment to cease conduct;

  • Icone

    Advisory services to clients in investigations related to unilateral conduct before CADE, acting as a Representative or in the defense of the interests of representatives;

  • Icone

    Preparation of preventive programs for clients’ employees in order to disseminate best competitive practices and reduce risks by preparing conduct guides, competitive compliance training, search and seizure training, workshops and audits;

  • Icone

    Evaluation of commercial practices and structuring of internal policies that aim to support the commercial and business areas of customers to mitigate any competitive concerns related to the daily business of companies, involving practices such as the adoption of exclusivity agreements, price formation processes, loyalty programs and sales incentives, among others;

  • Icone

    Advising clients seeking to act as third parties interested in merger approval processes and in responding to official letters submitted by CADE;

  • Icone

    Assistance, together with the litigation team, to clients in judicial and administrative disputes involving competitive issues.