Practice areas

Our team consists of highly specialized and experienced professionals, all qualified to understand the extent of issues involving agribusiness.

We operate in various segments within agribusiness, providing legal services to rural producers, financial institutions, investment funds, trading companies, agro-industrial companies and other participants in this important sector of the economy.

We offer integrated legal advice, which allows us to deliver complete and efficient solutions to our clients in this sector. We are committed to understanding the specific needs of each client and to providing strategic legal guidance that meets their business and legal objectives effectively.

Our services include:

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    Advice on agribusiness receivables securitization transactions, by issuance of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) and formation of investment funds linked to agribusiness assets and credit rights, such as Fiagro

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    Agribusiness financing and structured transactions, such as projects involving bartering, Rural Product Certificate (CPR), Agricultural Deposit Certificate and Agricultural Warrant (CDA/WA), Agribusiness Credit Bill (LCA) and Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificate (CDCA)

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    Mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring transactions involving issues and parties related to the sector

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    Advice on in the purchase, sale and regularization of rural properties

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    Drafting agrarian contracts, such as agricultural lease agreement, rural partnership, typically rural guarantees, purchase and sale of agricultural inputs, raw materials and commodities

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    Advisory and litigation advice (judicial and administrative) in credit collection and debt renegotiation processes, arising from contracts and negotiable instruments related to agribusiness, as well as in lawsuits involving federal, state and municipal entities

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    Work in labor matters related to the agribusiness sector

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    Tax advice on the most diverse matters related to agribusiness

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    Environmental advice involving agricultural activity and rural property

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    Advice focused on international trade and intellectual property